Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Water Bears, the world's toughest animal !

Oh man, what if this thing was comin' straight for ya! Too bad you wouldn't notice it - the biggest one would be a millimeter and a half in size, and you'd probably find it on a lichen or moss.

They are apparently the World's Toughest Animal. You can shoot them into space, take them to the deepest ocean depths and let them go, deprive them of air, water, and food for years and they don't care. Send them into the core of nuclear reactor. They'll be fine.

Check out wikipedia's take on these 'bears' containing more amazing facts such as : They can hang out at 150 degrees C, or close to absolute zero. They found a living one that had been hibernating for 120 years...etc.

Uh... I'm not impressed. Do you have to be so small to be 'eternal' or invincible ?!

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